Sarah H. Cen

Stanford University · Department of Computer Science & Law School · shcen at stanford dot edu

I am a postdoc at Stanford HAI, fortunate enough to be working with Prof. Percy Liang in the Department of Computer Science and Prof. Daniel E. Ho in the Stanford Law School's RegLab. I'm also an incoming Assistant Professor at CMU in the Departments of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Engineering & Public Policy.

My research falls at the intersection of machine learning and AI accountability. I'm interested in both the design and governance of AI and automated systems. On the design side, I study how to better devise algorithms to work when interfacing with humans. I enjoy using a wide range of methods to tackle research questions, including tools from ML, statistical learning, causal inference, and game theory. On the governance side, I study law and policy to improve our understanding of how our legal system and regulatory frameworks can adapt in an age of AI and automation.

Recently, I have written on the regulation and auditing of social media algorithms; the emergence of AI supply chains; the estimation of counterfactual potential outcomes under spillover effects; how competing for resources under uncertainty affects long-term outcomes; and individual-level rights of data-driven decision subjects.

I completed my PhD at MIT in EECS, under the wonderful mentorship of Prof. Aleksander Mądry and Prof. Devavrat Shah. Previously, I worked in intelligent transportation, communication networks, reinforcement learning, and robotics. During my master's, I performed research on autonomous vehicles (a.k.a. self-driving cars) with Prof. Paul Newman at the University of Oxford. As an undergraduate, I studied control & decision systems with Prof. Naomi Leonard at Princeton University.

Please find my (to-be-updated) C.V. here.

Selected Recent Talks


Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Thesis: AI Accountability

Advised by Aleksander Mądry and Devavrat Shah


University of Oxford

M.Sc. by Research in Engineering Science
Thesis: "Radar-only ego-motion estimation and localization"

Advised by Paul Newman


Princeton University

B.S.E. in Mechanical Engineering
Certificates in (1) Computer Science and (2) Robotic & Intelligent Systems
Thesis: "Optimal leader selection for dynamic networks modeled as Markov jump linear systems"

Advised by Naomi Leonard

Received Top Senior Thesis in Princeton School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Top Thesis in Mechanical Engineering & Aerospace Engineering, Top Student in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering


Selected Coursework
  • Inference & Information  |
  • Probability Theory  |
  • Algorithms for Inference  |
  • Linear Optimization  |
  • Mathematical Statistics  |
  • Discrete Probability & Stochastic Processes  |
  • Individual Risk  |
  • Artificial Intelligence  |
  • Microeconomic Theory  |
  • Game Theory  |
  • Automatic Control Systems  |
  • Big Data  |
  • Ethics & Fairness in Data-Driven Decision-Making  |
  • Law & Ethics of AI  |
  • Urban Sociology  |
  • Race & Ethnicity  |
  • History of Poverty  |
  • Political Theory  |
  • Human Rights


To see my research experiences, click here.

Publications and Pre-prints

*First-author contribution.

  1. S. H. Cen*, A. Ilyas, H. Driss, C. Park, A. K. Hopkins, C. Podimata, and A. Mądry. "Longitudinal Study of Large Language Models During the 2024 US Elections" Submitted to the ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2025.
  2. A. K. Hopkins*, S. H. Cen*, A. Ilyas, I. Struckman, L. Videgaray, and A. Mądry. "AI Supply Chains: The Complex Ecosystem of AI Actors" Submitted to the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2025.
  3. S. H. Cen* and R. Alur*. "From Transparency to Accountability and Back: A Discussion of Access and Evidence in AI Auditing ." ACM Conference on Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization (EAAMO). 2024.
  4. A. K. Hopkins*, S. H. Cen*, A. Ilyas, I. Struckman, L. Videgaray, and A. Mądry. "AI Supply Chains and Their Implications." Please email for draft. 2024.
  5. A. Agarwal, S. H. Cen*, D. Shah, and C. L. Yu. "Network Synthetic Interventions: A Causal Framework for Panel Data with Network Interference." Submitted to Operations Research, 2023.
  6. S. H. Cen*, A. Ilyas*, J. Allen, H. Li, D. G. Rand, and A. Mądry. "Measuring Strategization in Recommendation: Users Adapt Their Behavior to Shape Future Content." ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2024. In preparation for submission to Management Science.
  7. S. H. Cen*, A. Ilyas*, and A. Mądry. "User Strategization and Trustworthy Algorithms." ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2024. Submitted to Operations Research.
  8. S. H. Cen*, A. Mądry, and D. Shah. "A User-Driven Framework for Regulating and Auditing Social Media." Pre-print, 2023.
  9. C. Zhang*, S. H. Cen*, and D. Shah. "Matrix Estimation for Individual Fairness." International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2023.
  10. S. H. Cen*, A. Ilyas*, and A. Mądry. "A Game-Theoretic Perspective on Trust in Recommendation." Responsible Decision Making in Dynamic Environments Workshop at International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2022, Oral.
  11. S. H. Cen* and M. Raghavan. "The Right to be an Exception to a Data-Driven Rule." Pre-print, 2022.
  12. J. Perolat*, B. De Vylder*, D. Hennes*, [...], S. H. Cen, et al. "Mastering the game of Stratego with model-free multiagent reinforcement learning." Science, 2022.
  13. S. H. Cen* and D. Shah. "Regret, stability, and fairness in matching markets with bandit learners." International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2022.
  14. S. H. Cen* and D. Shah. "Regulating algorithmic filtering on social media." Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021, Spotlight.
  15. S. H. Cen* and P. Newman. "Radar-only ego-motion estimation in difficult settings via graph matching." IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2019.
  16. R. Weston*, S. H. Cen, P. Newman, and I. Posner. "Probably Unknown: Deep Inverse Sensor Modelling in Radar." IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2019.
  17. S. H. Cen* and P. Newman. "Precise Ego-Motion Estimation with Millimeter-Wave Radar under Diverse and Challenging Conditions." IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018.
  18. S. H. Cen*, V. Srivastava, and N. E. Leonard. "On robustness and leadership in Markov switching consensus networks." IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2017.

Blogs & Media


Media and Videos


Postdoctoral Researcher at Stanford University

Stanford HAI, Computer Science, and the Law School.

Working with Prof. Daniel E. Ho and Prof. Percy Liang.

2024 - Present

Researcher (Ph.D.) in MIT EECS


Advised by Prof. Aleksander Mądry and Prof. Devavrat Shah. Worked on various topics, centered around developing a principled understanding of data-driven algorithms and AI systems, at the intersection of machine learning, economics, law, and policy.

2018 - 2024

Research Intern

Deep Mind

Advised by Prof. Karl Tuyls. Devised new techniques to build an AI agent for imperfect information games, such as Stratego. Developed methods to analyze the game play and interpret the actions of the AI agent.

2016 - 2018

Researcher (M.Sc.) at the University of Oxford

Oxford Robotics Institute

Advised by Prof. Paul Newman. Developed state-of-the-art algorithms for radar-only odometry using graph matching. Successfully tested on autonomous vehicles under adverse and diverse conditions. Designed neural network that operates under weak supervision and noisy data.

2016 - 2018

Researcher (B.S.E.) at Princeton University

Dynamical Control Systems Lab

Advised by Prof. Naomi Leonard. Derived novel metrics quantifying the robustness of consensus and the reference tracking accuracy of dynamic leader-follower networks modeled as Markov switching graphs. With Ph.D. student, bounded regret of optimal fully-informed multi-armed bandit.

2014 - 2016

Research Intern at MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Space Systems and Technology Division

Supervised by Dr. Yaron Rachlin. Applied tools from signal processing, computer vision, and statistical inference in order to reconstruct high-quality satellite images from noisy, low-quality ones.


Research Intern at UPenn GRASP Lab

Multi-Robot Systems Lab

Advised by Prof. Vijay Kumar. Implemented the autonomous tracking and landing of a quadrotor on a moving ground vehicle. Programmed and tested flight controller, motion tracker, and extended Kalman filter.


Software Development Intern at Wattvision

Real-time energy monitoring systems

Supervised by Savraj Singh. Designed and implemented new user interfaces (UIs) for both the mobile and web sites. Repaired bugs, maintained website backend, and integrated external hardware.



MIT EECS Thriving Star | Speaker at “The Thriving Stars of AI” Research Summit
Best Student Talk | LIDS Student Conference
Hugh Hampton Young Fellowship | MIT award for academic achievement & character
Chyn Duog Shiah Fellowship | Awarded to one MIT engineering student
Ida M. Green Fellowship | Awarded to eight MIT graduate women
Edwin S. Webster Fellowship | MIT EECS award
Sachs Oxford Scholarship | Funds one Princeton student to study at Univ. of Oxford
Top Thesis | Princeton University School of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Top Thesis | Princeton University Department of Mechanical Engineering
Top Academic Performance | Princeton University Department of Mechanical Engineering
Graduate with Highest Honors | Princeton University
Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, and Tau Beta Pi | Honor Societies
Palantir Scholarship for Women in Engineering | Finalist
Best Presentation Award | University of Pennsylvania GRASP REU
Grace Hopper Celebration Poster Scholarhsip
Top 3 Percent of Class | Princeton University Shapiro Prize for Academic Excellence

More information


Inference and Information | Teaching assistant | Graduate Course | Gregory Wornell and Lizhong Zheng

"Introduction to principles of Bayesian and non-Bayesian statistical inference. Hypothesis testing and parameter estimation, sufficient statistics; exponential families. EM agorithm. Log-loss inference criterion, entropy and model capacity. Kullback-Leibler distance and information geometry. Asymptotic analysis and large deviations theory. Model order estimation; nonparametric statistics. Computational issues and approximation techniques; Monte Carlo methods. Selected topics such as universal inference and learning, and universal features and neural networks."

Science & Technology Policy Bootcamp | Teaching assistant | Bill Bonvillian

"The Science Policy Bootcamp is a 5-day short course, offered during MIT's Independent Activities Period in January, designed to introduce participants to the 'nuts and bolts' of science policy making. The course provides an opportunity for young scientists and engineers interested in science policy issues to increase their understanding about and practical involvement with science policy. The bootcamp serves to both expose participants to the fundamental structure and dynamics of science policy and inform them of routes into a policy experience or career."

Interests and a Note

I love playing tennis in my spare time. I once played on the Varsity (or 1sts) team at Oxford, since then playing more casually with club teams and friends. I also enjoy writing, with my current outlet being through research though, once upon a time, I enjoyed writing short fiction. Creating a welcoming and thoughtful environment is important to me - that means different things to different people, and I'm always open to hearing different opinions. My main goal is to make sure the people around me are heard and thrive.

Programming Languages

  • C  |
  • C++  |
  • Python  |
  • MATLAB  |
  • Java  |
  • HTML  |
  • JS